Android devices are among the most used devices in the world. You can find an Android device anywhere in the world. With such a broad reach, the Android store is also similarly vast. There are thousands of games for android devices.

One of the main challenges you will encounter while playing these games is how to advance through them faster. To achieve this conveniently, Naver Bot has created an android game automation tool that lets you get all the benefits of playing these games.

Get started in minutes!

Our bot only takes minutes to setup! It's as easy as 1-2-3. Check out the video to learn more about how it works.

naver bot video thumbnail
automating android games for PC

The tool will let you gather game rewards, advance through the levels, and even complete some of the most challenging levels of android games without much hassle. Naver Bot offers you one of the best automation experiences in the market.

edit trigger settings

What can be automated?

Some of the activities you will automate using Naver Bot include mining for resources, gathering essential items for a smooth gaming experience, fighting huge mobs, and many other functions. These are primarily activities that tend to be repetitive and will take a massive portion of your game time.

Although Naver Bot can automate almost all Android games, it is not an Android app. This makes it unable to run on any android device. This, however, doesn’t mean you cannot use it.

Download The Bot Now

How to use Naver Bot with Android games

The process is simple. All you need is an android emulator on your PC. There are many emulators you could use in the market. Some of the best, however, include BlueStacks and Nox. They are readily available and easy to configure. Once you have this, all you need to do next is install our auto clicker into your device.

Once you are done downloading this software into your PC, you can configure them quickly and conveniently. Open the android game you intend to automate, and after a bit of configuration on our Naver Bot software, you are all set. The entire process is swift and will take a very short time. You will soon be enjoying all the benefits that come with android game automation.

The software works by responding accordingly to the different conditions of the game. When one action happens, it will evaluate it and respond accordingly to ensure your gaming experience is more straightforward and better.

This software is very for MMORPGs and will help you develop the ideal strategies to beat the games. One of the reasons many android gamers prefer our auto clicker is its ease of use.

Although the entire process sounds complicated and only available to an expert, our tool makes it usable by everyone. We have created a simple interface, and its configurations are well highlighted to ensure no one gets lost in the process. You can thus automate any aspect of the game, making gameplay as convenient as possible.

We have a guide on our website that will take you through the entire process in a more detailed manner, the games you can automate, the many features that come with automation, and many other important aspects. With our automation tool, you will discover more about the games and have an even better time gaming.